Monday, September 30, 2019

How Do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus Convey Their Respective Views on Death

How do Octavio Paz and Albert Camus convey their respective views on death? World Literature 1 22/08/2010 Many aspects of death are pondered and questioned throughout Octavio Paz's poems, the two I have chosen to particularly focus on are Plain and Near Cape Comorin. Albert Camus has also considered the aspect of death within his novel, The Outsider. The title, The Outsider is vital to the text, as it reflects many aspects of the author's life. David Simpson explained that ‘Camus lived most of his life in various groups and communities without really being of them’ (iii).This also shows similarities between Camus and the protagonist, Meursault, as throughout The Outsider, Meursault seems to neutralise all his emotions allowing himself to watch his own life as an ‘outsider’. However, Camus was born as and brought up to be an outsider, whereas Meursault assumes his detached, individualised life himself. Both Camus and his protagonist share an existentialist vi ew on death, this is evident in the novel The Outsider. Whereas Paz shows a more positive stance on death.Both Paz and Camus convey the notion that death is an inevitable product of life, however they go about this in very different ways. While Camus takes a negative view of death, hauntingly reflected in his protagonist's amoral, emotionless attitude towards his death sentence, Paz juxtaposes images of death and decay, with that of beauty, and nature. Plain is saturated with sexual imagery, however, it is displayed to the reader in a grotesque manner, suggesting that life shares an intrinsic link with death.Visceral imagery such as that of ‘decapitated phalluses' and a gushing ‘open wound' would normally point towards mortality, but the presence of sexual imagery contrasts this notion as, sexual intercourse is representative of the fruition of life. Camus presents a similar concept in The Outsider; as he articulates the idea that the only certain thing in life is the in evitability of death, and, because all humans will eventually meet death, all lives are all equally meaningless.This theory manifests itself in Meursault's nonchalant response to his own impending death. Whereas during his trial Meursault passively observed the judgements levelled against him, in prison he begins to ponder the fact of his inevitable death. He begins to see his life as having a past, present, and future, and concludes that there is no difference between dying soon by execution and dying decades later of natural causes. This revelation comes about when Meursault experiences a sense of liberation in his jail cell.His emotional outburst towards the chaplain, ‘hurl[ing] insults at him’ (124), contrasts hugely against the blunt, nonchalant opening sentence ‘Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I can’t be sure’ (11). While awaiting his execution, Meursault takes the final step in the development of his consciousness. This capacity for self -analysis is a new development for Meursault, and it contrasts greatly with his level of self-awareness earlier in the novel. This is significant, as it catalyses his self enlightenment, enhancing his mindset into that of an existentialist.Meursault's approach to death, and in fact his entire belief structure points to that of an individual with an amoral stance on life. He is neither moral or immoral, he simply does not make the distinction between good and bad in his own mind. His encounter with the chaplain presents the reader with a clear binary opposite; differentiating between a rational, Christian system of belief and that of Meursault who refuses to succumb to Christianity. Meursault concludes that the universe is, like him, totally indifferent to human life.He decides that people’s lives have no grand meaning or importance, and that their actions, their comings and goings, have no effect on the world. This realisation is the culmination of all the events of the novel . When Meursault accepts ‘the benign indifference of the universe,' (127) he finds peace with himself and with the society around him, and his development as a character is complete. Paz asks similar philosophical questions in Near Cape Comorin; using the first person to rhetorically inquire: ‘Am I a lost soul or a wandering body? In the same poem he uses nature to convey various elements of religion, as it is universally known that people look for answers in their faiths. Hinduism is alluded to, with references to ‘a troupe of begging monkeys'; possibly a nod to the Hindu deity â€Å"Hanuman†. This is juxtaposed with references to Christianity; such as the ‘cobra' from Genesis; a binary representation of western versus eastern religion. Nature is also used to depict death in Plain when Paz talks of ‘the buzzing of the flies' connoting decay.The theme of insects continues as he mentions a statue of ‘a saint painted blue and pink. From his l eft eye' streaming ‘grey winged insects that†¦ fall turned to dust'. This again, savours of death and decay; creating in the reader's mind, the image of a rotting corpse. This is starkly juxtaposed with the cheery colours of the ‘saint' which could themselves represent the gender stereotyped clothes given to newborn babies. Lastly, death itself is evoked with the personification by Paz, of a ‘a bird dressed in black'.This is a regularly used symbol of death, and the notion that the ‘bird flies in circles' points to the cyclical nature of life and death. This bird, however, may also be used to portray hope as it ‘rests on the only living tree' showing hope in the preservation and search of life. This hope is also present in The Outsider because once Meursault dismisses his perceived difference between execution and natural death, he must deal with the concept of hope.Hope only tortures him, because it creates the false illusion that he can change th e fact of his death. The leap of hope he feels at the idea of having another twenty years of life prevents him from making the most of his final days or hours. Hope disturbs his calm and understanding, and prevents him from fully coming to grips with his situation. By using imageries of religion, nature and sex, Paz creates a relatively positive outlook on death, in stark opposition to Camus' melodramatic, emotionless stance on death.Through Meursault's actions, Camus implicitly challenges society's accepted moral obligations, which state that one should grieve over death, especially for a loved one or family member. Because Meursault does not grieve, society classes him as an outsider, a possible threat, a man with ‘a criminal mentality' (105) and stands ‘no place [within] a community' (108). Meursault's mindset and possibly that of Camus is transferred to his views on death; views which fit into an existentialist way of thinking.Paz also portrays death as an inevitable product of life nd existence, as exemplified by the sinister bird, ‘dressed in black', flying in monotonous circles, landing on ‘the only living tree' presumably as a portent of its certain death. (1,133 words) Bibliography: †¢ Camus, Albert (1971) L’Etranger, (translated from original French to English by Stuart Gilbert,) London: Heinemann Educational Books Limited †¢ Paz, Octavio,. 1979. Selected poems. A bilingual edition. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd †¢ Simpson, David â€Å"Themes and Ideas: iii) The Outsider,† The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, http://www. iep. utm. edu/camus/

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Historical laws and Security Essay

Historical Laws and Security Checkpoint CJS/250 April 24, 2013 Historical Laws and Security Checkpoint The Babylonian King Hammurabi established the code of Hammurabi. It was established by the king himself in 1750 B.C. and discovered intact in 1901. It contains 282 clauses variety of obligations, professions and rights, as well as retail, slavery, marriage, stealing, and outstanding debts. If any of the clause was to be violated the punishment that would be handed down would be severe (Clifford, 2004). This code is well known for serious punishment. The principles outlined are in the form of Lex talionis, or the law of retaliation to fit the crime (an eye for an eye). The Draco’s code was named for the Greek of Athens citizen where it was written in 621 B.C., the first law written in Greece was very harsh that the word Draconian is used today to describe how severe and unreasonable the law is. Concerns to penalty for any offense that was committed death would be the result. It was very important to introduce the notion to the state, not the private citizens, is responsible for the punishing persons accused of crimes. The Law of The Twelve Tables originally included 10 laws. Written in Rome in 450 B.C. was meant to govern the Romans. It was the foundation of the modern public and private law. They helped organize how crime would be prosecuted publicly and instituted a method whereby the involved parties could look for compensation from their aggressors. It was then the basic rule of Roman law was written and that justice would not be left at the hands of the judge alone to interpret. In 529 A.D., Corpus Juris Civilis or Justinian code was the result of Emperor Justinian’s desire and remembrance for his codification of Roman law  in a series of book (Clifford, 2004). Legal maxims derived from Justinian Code which inspired the modern concept of justice a word that comes from the emperor’s name. The foundation of civil law, one of the two main legal system, the other been English common law was formed by the Roman code that govern modern Western civilization. One of the high point in the middle ages occurred under King John of England, with the creation of the Magna Carta in 1216 which he was forced to sign. This document established the English due process which greatly reduced the king power by making decision in parliament instead on his own. The most important of the Magna Carta’s 61 clauses was the 39th it states no freeman shall be captured or imprisoned except by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land (Clifford, 2004). Within a 70 year span England produced the next significant contribution to the system of law enforcement in developing the Statue of Westminster in 1285. King Edward involved the citizens in crime prevention and apprehension. It established three practical measures focusing on the security of affected citizens, the watch and ward, a hue and cry, and the assize of arms. In our current society, publicly and privately these laws have played a major role today. The legal system which we have in place would be the same, but instead it is different. One of the most important is the Magna Carta, and it can be seen in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Article 21. Our economy today is drastically changing. With the amount of cutback it would be difficult for our finest to be all over the city to monitor any issues that may occur. With the assistance of the private forces the numbers has double or triple with less authority or priviledge as would an officer. Having both is beneficial to our society and the feel of safety is an encouragement to us all. References Clifford, M (2004) Identifying and exploring security essentials. Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Prentice Hall.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Impact of Economic Background Conditions on Growth of Labor Unions Essay

Impact of Economic Background Conditions on Growth of Labor Unions - Essay Example This paper offers thorough analysis of the current situation in the labor market and the change of labor union importance in protection of rights of the workers. Since the origin of labor unions workers are aware they are meant to be protected from the extremes of employers. It is primarily for this reason that unions were popular among workers. They negotiated for workers salary, terms of service and intervened on behalf of workers on a number of issues. Labor unions were therefore relevant and useful to workers. Now however, fewer workers are willing to join unions. There are a number of reasons for reluctance. One of the commonest is changes in economic situations. Unions try but cannot effectively negotiate on behalf of workers during hard economic times. There is little to be done when companies lay off workers to avert effects of recession. Sometimes as in the recent economic recession companies close down without compensating workers. People lose jobs, salaries are slashed yet unions look on. The public is aware companies will lose out to competitors if all workers are to be compensated In addition globalization is also proving a challenge to labor unions. Most companies are opening branches in remote areas where workers are paid low wages. Unionism in some of developing countries is low and workers are ignorant of their rights. Similarly there is high mobility of labor yet activities of the unions are still tied in local settings. The majority workers immigrating to other countries do not see the need to join unions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Profile - Essay Example Dew, Sierra Mist, Mirinda are carnbonated drinks and non carbonated beverages and nutrient brands include Tropicana fruit juices, Quaker Oats, Aquafina fresh water and Gatorade are highly popular. It uses competitive pricing and offers snacks and beverages in various format and sizes to meet the needs and affordability of it segmented market. It exploits market opportunities through innovative market strategies and distribution channels (Nickles, McHugh & McHugh, 2010). It supplies low calorie beverages and fruit juices to schools and has huge network of distributors to sell its various products. The major supermarket chain, hotels and retailers etc. are important distributors who are provided financial incentives based on volume sale or product placement fee (pepsicoAR, 2010). Pepsoco uses market mix to promote its products. It has used myriad media to promote its products and adopted appealing slogans through intense culturally sensitive advertising to exploit customers’ sentiments. Apart from hoardings, television and radio advertising, it also sponsors sports and cultural events as promotion gimmick. Most importantly, it is using technology to reach wider consumer base. Through social networking like facebook, Youtube, flikr etc. has significantly contributed to its competitive advantage within the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Accounting #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Accounting #1 - Essay Example Cost accounting is correlated with managerial accounting work, since it is highly use in the preparation of managerial accounting work. The objectives of managerial accounting are to prepare information in order to optimize the firm’s value and production activity. The reports utilize in managerial accounting include comparing actual results with plans or benchmark prepared at the beginning of the accounting cycle. Other reports include indicators such as orders received, order backlog, capacity utilization, and sales (Garrison, et al., p.4). Some of the main functions of managerial accounting are planning, directing & motivating, controlling, evaluating year end results and closure of the planning and control cycle. Managerial accounting differs from financial accounting in the time scope. Financial accounting deals with historical events, while managerial accounting places emphasis on the future. Managerial accounting does not follow the general accepted accounting principles (GAAP) (Moore & Jaedicke, 1972). The reports prepared by managerial accountants must be timely and relevant so that the users of this information can make decision based on what is occurring or the projection of what may occur. The main users of the work perform by managerial accountants are the executive management team of a company. Just-in-time inventory management is a philosophy of manufacturing based on planned elimination of all waste and on continuous improvements of productivity (Ashland). In practical accounting terms what JIT does is minimize the amount of inventory on hand in order to improve the cash flow position of a firm. Companies order the exact amount of material needed for a production run and the reorder point occurs when the inventory runs out. Precision and timeliness is necessary so that the company does not run out of raw materials or inventory needed to continue to operate. The business world in the 21st century is very competitive and business owners can

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Heavy Metal and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Heavy Metal and Society - Essay Example However, to "metalheads" themselves this perception seems absolutely inadequate, because heavy metal is both a message to society and a suggestion of a different type of order. If we try to look at heavy metal as an artistic movement we will see that it is communicating something with its loud, socially-unacceptable, hedonistic and barbarian sound. It does not aim for consonance, it has always had the most distorted and aggressive vocalists and its instrumentation has always been basic. Heavy metal has embraced everything that we normally don't think about socially: death, ugliness, terror, disease, warfare, sodomy. The type of heavy music, which is generalized as "heavy metal", is much larger than this only genre - it has a long history of four decades of progress and contains many different genres (Walser 15). Heavy Metal. Progressive rock from the late 1960s started the genre of heavy metal. It emerged from the proto-metal of bands like "King Crimson", "Black Sabbath", "Led Zeppelin", "Deep Purple" (often called hard rock bands). The musicians of "Black Sabbath' used power chord riffing and dark modalities to express the paranoid nihilism. The band became a proto-metal band with morbid, yet, as fans say, poetic songs. Soon this kind of music solidified into a 1970s style of heavy metal most notably represented by "Iron Maiden", 'Judas Priest" and "Motorhead". Unlike the harmony-based, short-cycle riffs of rock, metal almost exclusively used moveable power chords, which can be played in any position along the neck of the guitar in quick sequence. So, riffs are written as phrases (like classical, or jazz) more than rhythmic variations built around open chords. This both simplified the music to the point where it was highly accessible, and gave it a dark sound which lent itself, as in class ical composition, toward a narrative song structure in which riffs form motifs that resolve themselves over the course of a song. It had a gnarled, feral sound against a background of then everyday music. Speed Metal. In the early days of the cold war, speed metal arose to reflect the apocalyptic consciousness gripping heavy metal after fusion with antisocial and anarchistic hardcore punk. Bands influenced by the progressive styles of the 1970s and the abrupt, droning, explosive style of hardcore began making a fast type of metal which used palm muting as a strumming technique to produce bursts of alternating rhythmic emphasis. Classic speed metal bands are "Metallica", "Megadeth", "Slayer", "Anthrax" (these four are also sometimes called "Big Four of Thrash"), "Testament", and "Prong". Topics like war, pollution, nuclear weapons and corporate domination were sung of in either a male bass vocal or shouted in a riot style chorusing. While this music was highly complex and often inventive in structure, it remained roughly under the influence of rock-based mainstream music and passed its technique on to the underground death metal, thrash and grindcore to follow. Thrash. When hardcore and metal collided thrash emerged as a fusion of punk song stylings with metal riff styles and topics. These were one- and two-riff creations on the subject of apocalyptic and political nature. Vocals were shouted in a high-speed manner, the speed and abrupt percussive guitar techniques of the genre laid the foundation of death metal playing. Thrash remained

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The MacLeod Report (2009) claims that engagement strategies are Essay - 1

The MacLeod Report (2009) claims that engagement strategies are desirable for organisations and employees. With reference to aca - Essay Example 5). Engagement strategies aim at the establishment of mutual respect for what employees can be and what they can do in the organization given the right context that is beneficial for all stakeholders including the organizations, the consumers of services, and the employees themselves. Although engagement strategies are desirable for all organizations, yet they are not desirable for all employees, though for a considerable population of employees, engagement strategies are desirable. Although engagement strategies are generally desirable for the organizations, yet the same cannot be generalized for all employees. These days, many employees keep looking for employment opportunities elsewhere that would offer them better salary and job privileges rather than wanting to stay in the same organization for a very long time particularly when they are not content with their salary and/or job benefits. In the present age, there is scarcity of jobs in many industries in a vast majority of count ries around the world. In such circumstances, employees tend to avail any opportunity that they get irrespective of whether or not they are being offered sufficient salary and meanwhile, keep looking for better employment opportunities. Hence, to say that engagement strategies are desirable for all employees is not logical. According to (2012, p. 2), there are three components of employee engagement for the federal government, namely employees’ discretionary effort to give goal-directed performance, commitment to the organization, and employees’ satisfaction with the organization. The Corporate Leadership Council (2004) defines emotional engagement as â€Å"the extent to which employees derive pride, enjoyment, inspiration, or meaning from something or someone in the organisation. While rational commitment is defined as the extent to which employees feel that someone or something within their organizations provides financial, developmental, or professional re wards that are in their best interests† (Corporate Leadership Council, 2004). This can be stated without doubt that employees’ satisfaction has been and continues to be one of the biggest challenges in front of the management in any organization. Accordingly, the desirability of engagement strategies for the employees is limited. According to Macleod and Clarke (2009, p. 66), there are four main factors that serve as barriers to effective engagement in an organizational context; firstly, leaders either do not know what employee engagement is, what its usefulness for the organization is or they are not aware of its importance. Secondly, leaders may be interested in engagement strategies but may lack the knowledge required to address the issue. Thirdly, leaders and managers may not consent upon the idea of employee engagement. While the leaders might emphasize upon engagement strategies, managers might be ill-equipped to implement them. Consequently, the organizational cu lture cannot deliver effective engagement. Finally, leaders that do emphasize upon engagement strategies vary in their perception of and commitment to it. Many leaders tend to underestimate the potential of employee engag

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mate Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mate Selection - Essay Example (Greenberg, et. al., 2011, p. 73) Communication also involves sexual communication. Intimacy also plays a big role in the success of a relationship. An individual who would like to let another person be a part of his or her life for a long period of time will search for someone who can share his or her views on sex. I think an example of this can be found in the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces starring Barbra Streisand as Rose and Jeff Bridges as Gregory. In this movie, Rose is a plain-looking but witty and charming woman who had been single all her life and would like to find a handsome man to marry. Gregory, on the other hand, is a smart and sexually active professor who is trying to find a life-partner who is plain and not sexually attractive. Because sex is always appealing to him, Gregory is usually in a dilemma with sexually attractive partners because he gets easily distracted and loses focus. The two eventually marry but later separate because Rose is dissatisfied with the lack of intimacy in the marriage. Even if they were able to consequently resolve their sexual problem during the movie, their obvious miscommunication was the main reason for their separation. Another example, this time in real-life, is what happened to someone I know. He is American and married a Japanese woman. After having their child, the wife started sleeping in the child’s room more often than sharing her husband’s bed. The couple also did not have sex as often as they did before. After a year, the American husband filed for divorce. Now, he is married to an American woman who enjoys drinking, rock music and sex like he does. He says it is like being married to himself. An example of a successful relationship based on communication is that of the longest married couple in America. John and Ann Betar of Connecticut celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary in November 2012. (Sher, 2013) When

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Brand mangament Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brand mangament - Essay Example Latigo-S produced by Company XYZ is a dietary supplement that helps cleanse and detoxify the body from the adverse impact of internal parasites in the human body. Company XYZ does not want to compete with other renowned companies trying to promote dietary supplements even though the product it is promoting belongs to the same category. The reason is that Latigo-S is a product that is labelled dietary supplement, but unlike any other products of the same category, its main function is not to directly boost the immune system but to kill internal parasites of the human body. Company XYZ continuously conducts significant market trials for their product offering as they continue with their research strategy for ensuring a sustainable market for Latigo-S. Currently, the company is busy innovating possibility on how they could create a remarkable market for their products and they are now on the go disseminating the real knowledge concerning human internal parasites. Unlike any other compan ies that promote dietary supplements and educate people concerning pollutants and human nutrition, Company ZYZ together with its Latigo-S is trying to initiate educational campaign on the truth behind human internal parasites and their probable impacts on the human health. ... While contemplating on the most essential factors that could affect the human health, Company XYZ finally embraced the fact that the human health is affected by pollutants and parasites (Spooner, 2012, p.239). It was upon the realization of this point that the company started to produce deworming products, until it came up with its very latest breakthrough, the Latigo-S. Company XYZ seeks to offer optimum health to its target customers by providing dietary supplements that could help enhance the human immune system, as its original approach. However, knowing the fact that there are other various opportunities in the same market and other relevant needs to address, the company eventually is now focusing on mass production of Latigo-S, together with its aggressive promotional strategies. This is a vital form of extending Company XYZ’s brand expertise together with the identification of brand values or position (Keller, 2003). Brand Latigo-S is a deworming product but its general label belongs to dietary supplement. Although various studies were already conducted concerning on the effectiveness of this product, Latigo-S remains to be a product labelled with â€Å"no approved therapeutic claims.† Major clients and customers who were convinced about the general therapeutic capacity of this product are continuously bringing in the word of mouth in the market, creating a positive response among other prospective customers and eventually high earning opportunity. Latigo-S is one of a kind in the market and a pioneering brand for deworming products that is labelled non-synthetic, but as a dietary supplement made of natural finest ingredients. Introduction to brand and designing a branding strategy Latigo-S as a dietary supplement is unlike any other product offerings

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Care of Residents and Floor Manager Essay Example for Free

Care of Residents and Floor Manager Essay Bi-Describe the terms and conditions of your contract as set out in your contract of employment or employment agreement. Answer-Turn up to work at the required times, wear the correct uniform, holiday entitlement , pay rate and confidentiality. Bii-Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement. Answer-Hours worked, employee number, NI insurance number, tax code, payment before deductions and payment after deductions and hourly rate. Biii-Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Answer-Change of address or Medical condition. Biv-Describe the procedure to follow if you want to raise a grievance at work. Answer-Refer to flow chart. -See attatched. Bv-Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas. 1)Data protection: Ensure all information is stored in a secure place and no information is given out if unsure. 2)Grievance:Discuss with floor manager or home manager. )Conflict management:If i had a problem with a member of staff, for example if i didnt like the way that they were treating a resident i would go to my manager and explain my concerns, if after informing my manager the problem persists i would then go back, if my manager dismissed this as she has already talked to the staff member, this would cause conflict and i would seek help from someone above my manager(Regional Director). 4)Anti-discriminatory: Treat everyone as an individual and do no dis-respect race or culture. )HealthSafety:Keep up to date with all training and comply with all requested of me to ensure myself, collegues and residents are not at risk of harm or injury. 6)Confidentiality:Ensure all information is secured properly and dont give out any information to anyone your not sure about, consult Team Leader if unsure. 7)Whistleblowing:Identify the unethical baahaviour in questionand determine how its affecting you or the organisation in which you work. Decide whether the problem is worth reporting and if it will put yours or someone elses job at risk. Whistleblowing encourages and enables employees to raise serious concerns within the setting rather than overlooking a problem or blowing the whistle outside. Employees are often the first to realise that there is something seriously wrong within the setting. However, they may not express their concerns as they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the setting. Follow whisleblowing procedure. Bvi-Explain how your role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided. Answer-I follow all policies and procedure and my job roles and responsibilities to maintain a high standard of quality care. Promote and maintain a good standard of care, I also ensure that the service users are able to practice their charter of rights, for example: Choice The right to make choices about their own lifestyle, and to excercise that choice and independence whenever possible. Dignity and Individuality The right to be shown respect and courtesy and to be treated as a unique and valued individual. Privacy and Confidentiality The right to choose to be alone, undisturbed, and free from intrusion, as far as possible, within the constraints of living with others in a nursing or residential care home; and the right to have all your personal information kept confidential. Complaints The right to comment and make known any concerns or complaints that you have about the home, or the company, without feeling under stress or threat. Bvii-Explain how you could influence the qualityof the service provided by; a)following the best practice within your work role; By keeping up to date with all training needed to carry out my work, by refering back to my job roles and responsibilities if unsure, ask floor manager or manager if im unsure of anything-this will ensure that I am carrying out a high standard of care to service users. b)not carrying out the requirements of your role; Residents/service users could be at risk, and if person centred approach isnt followed or the rights of the service users are taken away you could be putting them at risk of neglect and institutional abuse. Bviii-Describe how your own work must be influenced by National factors such as Codes of Practice, National Occupational Standards, Legislation and Government Initiatives. Answer-My work is directly impacted by all of the above every day. Codes of Practice and Occupational Standards form our mission, vision and values. Legislation dictates our level and quality of care. Government initiatives impact the people we serve. For example, a code of practice in action, and in a very general sense may be staff supporting, but also providing the tools, for individuals to become more independent. Too much support, they would learn dependence. Tools alone without support, they may not understand how to use them or when to use them. Occupational Standards would be a general guide for each career within a given field, that expresses the foundational dos and donts for each. Example, we would provide a minimum amount of service, documented and within the guidelines for the individual, while if we offered additional services that are needed and appropriate to the individual, that would be good. Laws protect for the most part. Most laws are based on safety. So legislation that offers greater protection for the people we serve, and laws that provide a clear expectation for staff which if we follow judiciously, also protects us are incorporated into all daily activities and decisions. That is protection for the individual. A person passing by an accident and offering help is protected from lawsuits by the Good Samaritan Law. So in these examples, both the individual, and the care-giver have laws that protect them. Government Initiatives well, thats a pretty general term as well which could also be interpreted in many different ways. Initiatives I think of entitlement programs. Social Security, SSI, Welfare, WIC, HEAP, HUD, etc. These programs governmenta l initiatives provide additional support to people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Great Wall of China: Importance and Latest Findings

Great Wall of China: Importance and Latest Findings (Use related reports, other published or on-line material to analyze the selected site) Introduction (250) The Great Wall was reckoned as the worlds largest human-made structure made up of stone, bricks and earthen works whose construction started as early as the 7th century BC. Originally, it was used in many purposes but the most significant was to act as a border control that comprised of watch towers, garrison station and troop quarters etc. It has received recognition by making the World Heritage List in 1987 of its cultural values in Chinese history. In recent decade, archaeologists put efforts in investigating the actual length of the Wall by applying field walking, remote sensing and stratigraphy to look for archaeological potential in nearby areas. It has contributed to a drastic change for the world to recognize an even larger construction project in China. Over the years, it has been attracting tourists from all around the globe to witness this majestic fortification. In spite of their endless fascination towards the most reckonable ancient wall, many were inconsiderate in littering that sparked debates in its preservation work. Furthermore, the Great Wall is praised by its profound value in Chinese history, act as a strong symbol and historical evidence for people to ascertain past events. In the following, it will discuss its historical importance, recent unearthed findings, preservation work and cultural values to analyze its relationship of past and present. Criteria of WHL [Danny] According to the World Heritage Convention, there are ten criteria for the world heritage selection. Six of them are culture criteria and four of them are natural criteria. The committee will evaluate the heritage site based on this ten criteria. If the heritage sites list on the WHL, â€Å"sites must be of outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of ten criteria (UNSECO, n.d.)†. The Great Wall is the culture site that list on the WHL and it meets five out of six culture criteria of selection. In addition, the Great Wall meets criteria (i), (ii),(iii), (iv) and (vi). So, the Great Wall is a heritage site that contains outstanding universal value. Therefore, the Great Wall has been listed on the WHL at 1987. The criterion (i) is â€Å"to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius (UNSECO, n.d.)†. The Great Wall is a masterpiece because it is the only human hands built construction on the earth that human can see it from the space (UNSECO, n.d.). The length of it is larger than 20,000 kilometers and all built by human hands. So, it shows the human creative genius in building this huge scale construction. For the criterion (ii), the heritage site shows the significant interchange in the human values. The human values of Chinese spread to the northern frontier in the period of Chunqiu. The Great Wall reinforces the Sinicism by the transfer of population (UNSECO, n.d.). Some of the Chinese and foreigner from north lived near the Great Wall and the culture intergradation shows the interchange in the human values. For the criterion (iii), the heritage site provides special or important evidences to the civilization. The Great Wall provides special or important evidences to â€Å"the rammed-earth sections of fortifications dating from the Western Han (UNSECO, n.d.)†. Some sections of the Great Wall are made of the rammed-earth which is the old constructional material. For the criterion (iv), the heritage site is an outstanding model for buildings, architectural style or craft. Since the Great Wall is the longest and oldest military construction in the World, it is an outstanding model for military construction. In 220 B.C., Qin Shi Huang built the first military construction-the Great Wall of the Qin dynasty to protect the country (UNSECO, n.d.). In the later dynasties, they also built this kind of military construction to prevent the incursion from the north. Therefore, The Great Wall is an outstanding model for fortifications and it served as military purpose for 2,000 years. For the criterion (vi), the heritage site is associated with the literary work of prominent worldwide significance. â€Å"The Great Wall has an incomparable symbolic significance in the history of China (UNSECO, n.d.)†. We can find the Great Wall this symbolic significance in many Chinese literary works in Tang dynasty such as the poems of Tu Fu (712-770) (UNSECO, n.d.). As a cultural heritage site, the Great Wall does not meet the criteria (v). According to the requirement, the heritage site on the WHL only need to meet at least one criterion. The other five criteria have proof that the Great Wall is qualified and worthy to list on the WHL. Excavation [Kelly’s] Even though the Great Wall still remains in China, archaeologists have found various means to study sites around the Great Wall in bid to seek its cultural significance. In fact, the most prominent study was the use of Google Earth and carbon dating that helped in discovering a lost segment of the Wall back in 2011 in Southern Mongolia (Owen, 2012). Initially, the archaeologists were investigating typographic clues seen in Google Earth through satellite photographs. Via remote sensing, they were able to consult ancient historical texts to analyze these satellite imagery. Interestingly, they only discovered a remaining piece of fossil instead of skull and large thighbone. With this evidence in mind, archaeologists thought that the Wall must be in a much extended length. Similarly, radiocarbon dating had shown partly exposed wood and rope remains; the construction was then assumed to be went on for over hundreds of years or even more than a thousand years later, approximately from 1040 to 1160. As a result, they widely supposed that Western Xia dynasty constructed the Wall on the site (Owen, 2012). Excavation is therefore very essential in establishing an approximate date of the past for archaeological sites. Up until now in 2015, archaeologists have been examining archive photos, historical documents and field walking to discover more and more parts of the Great Wall that have not been publicly visible. One team of experts in Northwestern China discovered a new section of wall which is comprised of rammed earth whereas some parts were even built on top of mountain ranges and spread along valleys; it was found mainly between Jingyuan Country and Nanchangtan village. In historical documents, they came to a consensus that Emperor Qin demanded the Great Wall had to run across Gansu province, Ningxia and Mongolia. However, some ruins were found shorter than usual that the archaeologists believed it was because of natural degradation. In this case, the Great Wall can be seen as different structures built through both Northern and Southern Mongolia from start to finish, and existed over a couple of dynasties (Chow and Chan, 2015). All in all, from the above dating methods and analytical study of the Great Wall, many published materials have told the world how the Great Wall is actually more drawn-out; it certainly was a ground-breaking news for archaeologists and tourists as well. In particular, Google Earth was profoundly applied in the study as it proved its scientific values in doing archaeological research. Under these circumstances, archaeology can be seen as a stepping stone for the Chinese to have deeper understandings of Chinese history and even the cultural transformation in their own place. From learning about the past emperors, the Chinese can also enhance their sense of belonging with ancestors and share amongst generations. Preservation Currently, regarding the preservation of the Great Wall, several measures are undergoing. Patrol Teams According to an article found on China daily, an official patrolling team is being organized to check against the damage of the mammoth structure. This patrolling team will focus on the section in Beijing, which is 630km long, including the most popular section of the Great Wall, Badaling. (, 2006) As mentioned by Yu Ping, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, members of this team will usually be rural residents who live near the Wall, and will be paid by local governments. Apart from the patrol team, a buffer zone would also be drawn to help protect the Great Wall, as announced by the Chinese administration. This buffer zone will take up to three years to be finished. At present, only a general standard ranging from 500 metres to 2 kilometres away from the Wall is designated as a buffer zone to protect it. Change in Law to protect the Great Wall Back in Sep. 20 of 2006, the State Council have promulgated regulations regarding the protection of the Great Wall, which have come into effect on Dec. 1 of the same year (, 2006). The law will focus on protecting the Great Wall, with its attached buildings and surrounding enviornment. For example, from August 2003 onwards, hikers and tourists will not be permitted to explore unprotected sections of the Great Wall. According to an article found on Travel China Guide,The purpose of the regulation are to help regulate visitor’s and local resident’s behaviors when visiting the Wall. For example, article 18 of the regulation forbits activites such as illegal organizations of activities and taking away items related to the Great Wall. (, 2006) Restoration Efforts Back in March of 2004, the initial phase of renovation on the section known as Huanghuacheng had begun. According to an article found on China Daily, â€Å"it includes rehabilitating 13 battlements, two gates and 3,300 metres of wall on a four-kilogreat wall from the spacemetre stretch.† (, 2005) Mei Ninghua, director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage, also mentioned that this renovation project is scheduled to be carried out in three phases and would cost at least 12 million yuan. To add on, Luo Zhewen, an expert on ancient architecture also noted that original materials and traditional techniques should be used as much as possible, otherwise, the word â€Å"preservation† could not be fulfilled. Improvement However, just as the preservation work is undergoing, damage to the Wall are still becoming serious. Currently, A large amount of the wall has collapsed and in some sections, only its foundation remains, accroding to a five-year survey (Rossella Lorenzi, 2012). On the other hand, sections which are yet to be restored, known as â€Å"wild wall† and are not open to the public, also suffer from man-made damage. It could be found that local villages often put up iron ladders illegally to attract hikers. It is often argued saturated tourism is the main cause for the damage done on the Wall, with most of the bricks in Badaling being carved with people’s names and graffiti as supporting evidence. The Great Wall’s current preservation work could be improved from several perspectives. Firstly, it would be important to educate the public about the importance and cultural significance of representing their cultural identity. Extra care and financial support should be given to locals villages living near parts which are considered â€Å"wild walls. Most of the villages are â€Å"damaging the Wall† simply because they are having a tough life. It is possible that with adequate financial support, the village’s burden could be alleviated and no longer need to continue the aforementioned act. Planting trees can also help protect the areas from erosion. However, there are still rooms for negotiation among cultural heritage organizations and Chinese government. Last but not least, tourists like us can also participate in helping the preservation work. Just as usual practice when we visit foreign places, we should never leave trash behind nor take away anything related to the Great Wall. Such insignificant actions could contribute a lot to the preservation work to an extent far beyond our imagination. Cultural significance of cultural site The Great Wall is the longest and oldest military fortifications in the World, and ranks among the â€Å"Seven Wonders of the World†. It starts from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east and ends at Jiayuguan Pass in the west which is for protect the resist the invasion of nomadic tribes in different periods. The Great Wall was first built at the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and constructed at the Ming dynasties (1368-1644), and the history reflected the meaning and cultural significance behind the Great Wall. First of all, the Great Wall is a powerful symbol in China. It represents the unification of China because it is a wall that made China was unified in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). (China Highlights, 2011) In the Spring and Autumn Period, the first part of the Great Wall was built to against the war. The Great Wall had the purpose of military defense, especially in preventing northern people on horseback from attacking people in the south. In the Qin dynasty (221 BC), King Zheng of Qin unified China by linked all the wall together and formed a dividing line in China. After Qin Shi Huang unified China, all of the Chinese worked together for the good of the country. (Chen, 2014) Besides, the Great Wall is used as a dividing line to divide the north and south nationality and keep their culture not affected by each other. Also, the Great Wall helped to defense the northern people came and attacked China. In The March of the Volunteers which is the National Anthem of the Peoples Republic of China, the lyrics â€Å"Take our flesh, and build it to become a new Great Wall!† show that the Great Wall is the protection for the life and spirit of Chinese. (Chiu, n.d.) Secondly, the legends and stories about the Great Wall show the cultural significance. As the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture, there were lots of beautiful legends and stories happened during construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnus story and the legend of the Beacon Tower. (Travel China Guide, 2011) For the Meng Jiangnus story, it happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). Meng Jiangnus husband was caught by federal officials and sent to build the wall. After Meng knew her husband was dead because of build the wall, she cried and her howl caused the collapse of a part of the wall. This story shows the wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Those beautiful stories and legends about the wall are helpful to keep the Chinese history and culture. (Travel China Guide, 2011) The Great Wall built to protect the culture and agriculture of China and defend the attack from northern people. With the history and cultural significance of the Great Wall, it represents the spirit of Chinese as Chinese are tough and strong to protect themselves. Conclusion Reference List: [Danny] UNSECO, (n.d.), The Criteria for Selection. Retrieved April 21, 2015, from 2. UNSECO, (n.d.), The Great Wall. Retrieved April 21, 2015, from [Kelly’s] 3. Owen (2012), â€Å"Lost† Great Wall of China Segment Found?  National Geographic News. Mar 20, 2012. Retrieved from 4.Chow and Chan (2015), Its even greater than we thought! Archaeologists discovered NINE new sections of the Great Wall of China. Daily Mail Online. Peoples Daily. United Kingdom. Apr 16, 2015.  Retrieved from   [Aiken’s] Great Wall section gets facelift (2005). China Daily  Retrieved April 29, 2015, from Regulations on Great Wall Protection, Travel China Guide  Retrieved April 29, 2015, from Great Wall to introduce patrol team, China Daily  Retrieved April 29, 2015, from Rossella Lorenzi (June 7, 2012). Great Wall of China Twice as long as thought, Discovery News  Retrieved April 29, 2015, from Regulations on the Protection of The Great Wall, à ¥Ã…’-à ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ §Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ³Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¾Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ¦-†¡Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¶Ã‚ ²Ã‚  Retrieved April 29, 2015, from [Kawun] Travel China Guide (2011). Great Wall Culture. Retrieved April 28, 2015 from China Highlights (2011). Great Wall Culture. Retrieved April 28, 2015 from Chen, A. (2014). China Travel Page. Cultural Significance of the Great Wall of China. Retrieved April 28, 2015 from Chiu, L. (n.d.), Chinese Culture. In The Chinese National Anthem. Retrieved April 28, 2015 from Globalization For Society: Analysing The Pros And Cons Globalization For Society: Analysing The Pros And Cons The world as we know it is slowly becoming progressively smaller. Academics and theorists like have pointed out that this occurrence may well be attributed to increasing intensity of globalisation of nations. This is particularly implicated in the context of business and commerce. However, one must first recognise the advantages and pitfalls of globalisation upon contemporary business. In the claim of Lasserre, he noted that Ricardo has indicated several pros and cons of globalisation. The following discussions will be covering the said attributes claimed by Ricardo. In the same regard, an analysis will be made on the claims of Ricardo based on recent circumstances on commercial and business milieu. On the other hand, the paper will similarly discuss the implications of globalisation on a particular multinational company. For the purposes of this paper, this multinational company will be Procter Gamble. The discussions and observations made in this paper are all to be based on schol arly and academic journals directly related to the topic of globalisation. Globalisation is essentially touted by a lot of contemporary academics and scholars as possibly one of the most influential concept among the existing theories known. (2004) The following discussions will be covering the noted advantages of globalisation as stated by Ricardo.    Ricardo pointed out in his classic work that globalisation is able to create an overall wealth for all nation because it induces specialisation for these countries. In the same regard, this increase in specialisation also triggers an increase in trade of these countries. Essentially, this is seen in the integration and coordination of companies in the global scale. Particularly, industries that involved in manufacturing and major industrial companies tend to engage specialisation in terms of their factories and shipment of inventory from their suppliers from different parts of the globe. The problem in this category is that there is a recent study that indicates that there is no evidence of any trend that trade specialisation is present across countries. (2002) This is highlighted by the studys notion that the presence of global actors should constantly adapt to the local conditions of their host courtiers. Basically, these claims indicate that trade specialisation as indicated in the discussions of Ricardo may have been rather short in realising its objectives. This is rather connected to the concept that will be later discussed regarding the diminishing of the concept of the nation. The findings of   (2002) manifest that there is no actual specialisation in trade that exist. To a certain extent, the theory of comparative advantage as indicated by Ricardo, which essentially creates specialisation, is offset by the drive of the modern organisation to diversify itself and immerse its marketing initiative based on the host countries where it operates.    B.   Reduction of Cost Efficiencies Based on the claim of Ricardo, globalisation is able to create cost efficiencies for companies that intend to operate in the international setting. Basically, this creation of cost efficiencies tends to diminish the occurrence of inflation as well as the reduction of price in the market. In the context of inflation, Ricardo indicates that the increase in the money supply in the economy is proportionate to the increase in the supply of goods and services. This is mainly manifested by the increase in the players in the market with reference to foreign competitors and its local counterparts. Essentially, this scenario presented by Ricardo may have been an overly romanticised version of the implication of globalisation. The problem in this claim is that   may have assumed that globalisation automatically lessens the possibility of inflation. As indicated in the work of   (1997) regarding the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement, the decrease in inflation is merely incidental occurrences. B asically, states that engage in trade with each other have to essentially amend their policies and state laws before inflation could be controlled. With mention of agreements between countries, the occurrence of globalisation nowadays also entails trade liberalisation measures between trading blocs, regional and international organisations. Among others, these trade liberalisation initiatives tend to induce management tools for the inflation. (2002) Thus, a major shortcoming on the assumption of Ricardo is the consideration of the cooperation of countries in the liberalisation and trading initiatives. Without this variable, inflation rates will continue to be erratic and out of control.    On the other hand, another implication of the infusion of cost efficiencies of globalisation is the reduction of price of goods and services. Essentially, this price reduction tends to similarly give benefit for the end-users and consumers. The presence of an intensified level of competition among both the local and international players in different industries has triggered this cost efficiency. The problem in this scenario is that the factor of trade liberalisation plays a huge part on this. In the same regard, issues on whether free trade is actually tantamount to fair trade still continue. There has been claim that the conditions held by globalisation essentially spell the end of the democratisation of wealth. (1999) This also entails that countries that have power and resources over the others tend to benefit more on the current manifestation of globalisation.    C.   Better allocation of natural, financial, and human resources The claims of Ricardo also pointed out that globalisation have improved the possibilities of allocating the resources of organisations. To some extent, this may have been rather accurate as contemporary businesses do consider the reduction of costs as among their major concerns in their operations. For instance, the concept of outsourcing has become a major element in contemporary globalisation efforts of companies. Basically, the process of outsourcing tends to cover subcontracting endeavours of a business to another business. ( 2007) In this regard, the consideration of the price and possible costs that the parties involved will be taken highly as the price of a particular product or service tends to differ geographically. A fairly recent contribution to this model is the concept of strategic outsourcing. (2002) In this regard, the consideration of exchange rates and other location-specific attributes tend to contribute highly on the decisions of modern businesses. As mentioned above, it appears that reducing the costs of operations is as important nowadays as gaining profit. Essentially, the intensification of the competition as manifested by the consequent intensification of globalisation and competitive positioning in the international market has triggered some level of change on the part of modern businesses. However, this practical set of circumstances may have some inconsistencies with the claims provided by Ricardo. For instance, the claim of Ricardo pointed out that a better allocation is imminent as globalisation flourishes. Possibly the sole element that may have been accurate in this sense is the allocation of financial resources. Essentially, globalisation encourages the provision of foreign direct investments from countries with capital to those that require it. (2007) The problem in this regard is that it has taken away the factor representing the propensity of man to exploit and abuse his resources. (2003) Basically, studies have been calls for sustainable development as major corporations tend to exploit the natural resources occupied by their subsidiaries. This is similarly true with regards to the allocation of human resources. This will be discussed in the later part of the paper.    D.   Reduces Corruption The work of Ricardo also indicated that globalisation tends to reduce corruption. Basically, he assumes that the free market trade will be sufficient to take on any form of corruption both from the states and from the corporations competing as well. Unfortunately, in the current setting of globalisation is far from being free from corruption. For instance, powerful nations have the propensity to bend the rules in their favour. A lot of articles have pointed to the inclination of the United States to engage in protectionists policies despite the fact that these policies directly contradict those that they have signed in international free trade agreements. (2001) This basically shows how major economies could implement rules on their favour and in doing so they tend to widen the polarity between them and developing and less developed nations. In the same regard, it is apparent that the claim of Ricardo regarding the reduction of corruption is attributable to the invisible hand mention ed in the early works of classical economists. (1998) Basically, the said concept came from Adam Smith claming that absolute free trade will be enough to regulate itself from any inconsistency. It claims that that the community will be able to manage it and rid of any wrongdoing. Again, this plainly indicates that the claims provided by Ricardo may have been based on pure theoretical assumptions without regard of the actual happenings in the real world. In reality, unethical practices do exist. From corruption to corporate bribery, this shows that the theory of the invisible hand is reduced to a mere myth. (2000) III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cons of Globalisation The consequent discussions will be covering the stated disadvantages of globalisation as indicated by Ricardo. Same as the claims of advantages above, the said disadvantages will be examined and related to the academic and scholarly journals. A.   Imposes strain on labour force In the claim of Ricardo, there are also some shortcomings and adverse effects of globalisation in the imposition of strain in the workforce. Basically, Ricardo claims that globalisation tends to have an implication on both developing and developed countries. It has been said that developed countries tend to encounter possible abuses from the investors. There have been reports that sweatshops in India tend to employ children in their operations. (2004) Specifically, the said study indicated that companies with such operations still proliferate in countries like India and Pakistan. Essentially, because of the failure of the laws protecting the rights of the labour force, particularly the children, abuses tend to become apparent. On the other hand, in the context of developed countries, the labour conditions of the country tend to encounter what is called job destruction. (1996) Essentially, the phenomenon tends to highlight the shift of the attention of corporations towards the less de veloped countries with less costly labour. B.   Standardises customer tastes In the claim of Ricardo also indicated that globalisation tends to establish that at some point, the world will come to a level of standardisation. This means that every state or organisation will be taking on the closely the same elements that they contend. Basically, the claim focuses on the assumption that the customer tastes will become so standardised that companies will tend to be less diversified in terms of their products and services. Specifically, the claim indicates that eventually in every industry, the companies will offer rather indistinguishable products and services which the consumers will have no regard on brand. To some extent, this claim is true. The matter of it is that the modern business folk realised that if they do not differentiate their products, they will eventually meet their demise in the industry. For instance, the study of   (2005) indicates that multinational companies tend to establish complex differentiation strategies to endure continued existence and possibly even market leadership. One could also be sure that the competitors of that particular industry will do the same. In this regard, the context of diversity tends to be the end result of such differentiation processes. Other multinational companies tend to extend their diversity by infusing both localisation and globalisation principles. (2004) This means that they tend to immerse themselves to the behaviour of the market. C.   Induces concentration of power in a few global corporations Globalisation tends to induce power into a chosen and privileged few. This is another claim given by Ricardo in his classical view of globalisation. Basically, this indicates that international business tends to represent a certain type of inherent inequality. This is especially true for those that are a part of a trade liberalisation organisation like European Union (EU), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). (2007) The problem in this setting is that those that have the capital and loads of it tend to wield it to those who may appear to succumb to their influence. As mentioned in the discussions above, trend towards joining these trading organisations opens up their market to open competition with foreign companies. Specifically, the local business folks tend to suffer the implications of globalisation and the consequent opening up of their trade routes. As indicated by   (1996, 40) there are other elements other than competition that comes into the picture when international businesses are concerned. Such elements included in the fray are those directly involved in the economy of the host country like the exchange rate, the policies of the land and other elements that are particular to that state.   Ã‚  Ã‚   IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Practical Implications of Globalisation The discussions above have discussed the theoretical implications of globalisation in businesses. The following discussions will be focusing on the globalisation endeavours of an existing company. Specifically, the discussions will be focusing on the conditions surrounding Proctor and Gamble (PG). The companys bout with globalisation was dealt with proper strategy formulation. The said company is among the leaders in the consumer product industry. (2003) Based on the observation of recent articles, the company have conducted a fairly good diversification initiative. (1995) They have divided the company into several segments that will be battling it out with the rest of the brands present in consumer product industries. As indicated by   (2003) the segments were divided into fabric and home care; baby, feminine, and family care; beauty care; health care; and food and beverage. With these segments, it is anticipated that PG will possess a culture with an innovative flair. However, the rest of the players in the industry have caught up with competencies of the company. This may be the grounds for   (2003) to mention that the company is lagging off in its innovation levels. However, this rather perceptible weakness has been offset by the impeccable wherewithal of the company to operate its international machinery to their advantage. The installation of the global business units (GBUs) triggered their meteoric rise to the international product industry. ( 2003) (2003) further claimed that the company have seized the opportunities in expanding the network of their operations in the other countries by putting in directly investing on plants and equipment in these areas. They have exploited the lower costs of labour in other nations provide the opportunity to cut the operational costs and allow the company to spend it to other areas. It is in this likely lessening of operational costs that increases the likelihood of developing the existing top brands of company in major markets all over the world. () In the later part of the operations of the company, they have acquired another major brand in the consumer product industry: Gillette. Basically, this is the companys attempt to alleviate its limited access to the market share of the male grooming industry. The buying of Gillette places a major shift on the all the company as over  ½ of the existing market share in the said area is held by Gillette. ( 2004) Basically, Gillette possesses a substantial number of brands in the supposed market as equalled to PG. Basically, the intention of PG to continuously improve and garner a huge proportion of its market share is based on the fact that its major competitors have been breathing down their necks. (2005) With the constant intention to gain favour on their marketing position, PG has become one of the most successful companies in the world holding among the most popular brands known in recent history. And as observed by this researcher, this may only be the beginning for PG on its quest to gain more brands and conquer the rest of the world with its products.    V.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Analysis The discussions above have provided specific elements that deal directly with the actual implications of globalisation to society. Basically, the study provided the perceived obstacles to globalisation, effects on product/services and the labour market, and influence of culture. In the case of the perceived obstacles to globalisations, discussions on over-regulation and the imposition of trade barriers are noted. In the same regard, political implications of individual states are indicated to be among the major obstacles for globalisation. Poor currency policies such that of the exchange rate as well as the existence of barefaced corruption allows for the advantages of globalisation to sink in. On the other hand, the study has also mentioned the effects on product/services and the labour market. Studies have been pointed out claiming that the labour market tends to suffer in developed countries as companies tend to find competitive advantage in finding less costly labour in developin g and even in less developed countries. In the context of consumer tastes, the existing literature on literature indicates that globalisation will essentially make the demands of the consumers more similar. To an extent, this intensifies the competition between companies as their products and services become less and less distinguishable. Moreover, another factor emerged as a component in the success of globalisation: culture. In this regard, the regard of culture as a determinant of organisational and marketing success of multinational companies added complexity on the early provided theories like that of Ricardo. The discussions above have pinpointed the need for companies to engage in localisation initiatives in line with their globalisation endeavours to keep up with the demands of their individual market though monitoring and adapting to the subtle changes in its behaviour.   Ã‚  Ã‚   VI.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conclusion The discussions above have presented an examination of the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation as indicated in the work of Ricardo and Lasserre. Essentially, some of the theoretical claims of above may have been contradicted throughout time as numerous studies have similarly gone against the said assumptions. At some point, one must realise that the concept of globalisation has changed since the times of Lasserre and Ricardo. They must realise that to some extent, the theories that they have formulated has become rather obsolete in the current setting. In any case, the fact remains that the constant changes in the environment as implicated by globalisation tends to similarly augment the demands on the individual businesses.   Ã‚  Ã‚   VII.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Recommendation The following recommendations are to be based on the conclusion above as well as the arguments and observations held in the paper.    Take initiatives to gain fair trade in this era of free trade Civic organisations as well as the individual member states of particular trading organisations like the EU and the WTO should take steps to minimise the occurrence of fraud and corruption in international trade. Basically, protectionist laws as well as rights encouraging competition should be drafted carefully such that those who are not privy to power and capital would not be subjected to abuse from their counterparts.    Studies should focus on the current trend of diversification among multinational companies Multinational companies now realises the potential of implementing the paradox of globalisation and localisation. In this regard, the multinational companies nowadays have become more engrossed to diversification of the products and services that they offer to their consumers. In this regard, studies should also focus on the said idea as this may indicate a shift in the definition of globalisation as it did in the classic definition of Ricardo.    Carry out further studies on the dynamic nature of globalisation Related to the recommendation above, the findings of this study should serve as an impetus to find further explanation and possible forecasts on the possible path on which globalisation could take in the future.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jonathan Edwards Sinnners in the Hands of An Angry God Essay -- Chris

Jonathan Edwards' Sinnners in the Hands of An Angry God Jonathan Edwards delivered his sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, in Enfield Connecticut on July 8, 1741, the year following George Whitefield's preaching tour which helped inspire the "Great Awakening." Weeping and emotional conviction among Edwards’ audiences came at a time of great spiritual thirst. While very foreign to mainstream American opinion today, this extraordinary message was fashioned for a people who were very conscious of how their lifestyles affected eternal consequences. By today's popular perspective, the doctrine of predestination probably discourages conversion because of the new-age independent attitude. However, in Puritan culture, through Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God, fear might have powerfully affected people to look within them for the evidence of grace and then experience salvation. First, Edwards' sermon is filled with graphic images of the fury of divine wrath and the horror of the unmerciful punishment of the wicked in hell. If one were to continue in their sin, according to Edwards, not only would a person be tormented in the presence of holy angels, but God’s terribleness would be magnified upon his/her life and forced to suffer through God’s wrath for all eternity (74). â€Å"Although it conveys the reek of brimstone, the sermon does not say that God will hurl man into everlasting fires--on the contrary, doom will come from God’s indifference...† (Thompson 71). Edwards had little need to justify his scare tactics and theology. His consuming obligation was to preach it; to preach it fiercely, purposely, persuasively, and firmly. Next, an example of God’s wrath is seen through Edward’s p... ...e wrath of God be seen as a primitive or obscene concept? Is the very notion of hell an insult? If so, it is clear that the God one worships is not a holy God: thus, He is not a God at all. If we despise the justice of God, a person is not a Christian. One stands in a position which is every bit as dangerous as the one which Edwards so graphically described. â€Å"If we hate the wrath of God, it is because we hate God Himself. We may protest vehemently against these charges but our vehemence only confirms our hostility toward God† (Sproul â€Å"God In The Hands Of Angry Sinners†). But a God of love who has no wrath is no God. One who does not love God in this present world is considered a loser, as he has lost all peace, comfort, strength, and even hope. A person’s greatest detriment in the hereafter is found in the loss of the sight of Christ and the beholding of His glories. Jonathan Edwards' Sinnners in the Hands of An Angry God Essay -- Chris Jonathan Edwards' Sinnners in the Hands of An Angry God Jonathan Edwards delivered his sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, in Enfield Connecticut on July 8, 1741, the year following George Whitefield's preaching tour which helped inspire the "Great Awakening." Weeping and emotional conviction among Edwards’ audiences came at a time of great spiritual thirst. While very foreign to mainstream American opinion today, this extraordinary message was fashioned for a people who were very conscious of how their lifestyles affected eternal consequences. By today's popular perspective, the doctrine of predestination probably discourages conversion because of the new-age independent attitude. However, in Puritan culture, through Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God, fear might have powerfully affected people to look within them for the evidence of grace and then experience salvation. First, Edwards' sermon is filled with graphic images of the fury of divine wrath and the horror of the unmerciful punishment of the wicked in hell. If one were to continue in their sin, according to Edwards, not only would a person be tormented in the presence of holy angels, but God’s terribleness would be magnified upon his/her life and forced to suffer through God’s wrath for all eternity (74). â€Å"Although it conveys the reek of brimstone, the sermon does not say that God will hurl man into everlasting fires--on the contrary, doom will come from God’s indifference...† (Thompson 71). Edwards had little need to justify his scare tactics and theology. His consuming obligation was to preach it; to preach it fiercely, purposely, persuasively, and firmly. Next, an example of God’s wrath is seen through Edward’s p... ...e wrath of God be seen as a primitive or obscene concept? Is the very notion of hell an insult? If so, it is clear that the God one worships is not a holy God: thus, He is not a God at all. If we despise the justice of God, a person is not a Christian. One stands in a position which is every bit as dangerous as the one which Edwards so graphically described. â€Å"If we hate the wrath of God, it is because we hate God Himself. We may protest vehemently against these charges but our vehemence only confirms our hostility toward God† (Sproul â€Å"God In The Hands Of Angry Sinners†). But a God of love who has no wrath is no God. One who does not love God in this present world is considered a loser, as he has lost all peace, comfort, strength, and even hope. A person’s greatest detriment in the hereafter is found in the loss of the sight of Christ and the beholding of His glories.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ways To Fight The Drug War Essay -- essays research papers

Drug use has risen sharply in the United States in the past 40 years, with an estimated 23.6 million teenagers using illegal drugs within the past year. Preventing drug use has been a major issue in the area of politics, schools, or within families. Drug abuse occurs whenever the use of a drug causes physical or mental harm to the user. So far, society has been abusing drugs since the later nineteenth century, a time when the sale, purchase, possession, and use of drugs was not regulated. Dangerous drugs such as morphine, opium, and cocaine were used mainly for medical purposes including cures for depression, nervousness, alcoholism, and menstrual cramps. Because of the availability of these powerful drugs, people became addicts. In 1900, there were actually more narcotic addicts in the US than there are today; however, most of the users who became addicts were medical addicts. Very few users took drugs for recreational use only. In 1914 as an effort to curb drug abuse in the United States, the government passed the Harrison Act, which made illegal to obtain a narcotic drug without a doctor’s prescription. There were nearly half a million addicts at the beginning of 1920 and by 1945 there were only 30,000 to 40,000 addicts. The demand for drugs began to rise again in the 1960’s and continues to rise today. With this scary thought in mind, the United States needs find a solution to the rising drug problem, and fast.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every year, more drugs are di...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Effects of Peer Pressure on the Graduating of Angelicum College Essay

We learners have always been exposed to peer influence, but the kinds of peer influence that they encounter have changed tremendously in the past years. Peers can influence everything from whether or not a student engages in academics or other things. This is an important topic because if society and education related professionals understand the issues surrounding negative peer influence, they are more likely to prevent it and be more adequately prepared to help a teenager facing positive and negative aspects of peer pressure. The researchers dealt with the Effects of Peer Pressure on the Graduating Batch of Angelicum College, school year 2013-2013. The researchers examined the positive and negative effects of peer pressure to the graduating learners. The researchers further attempted to find out whether the students are influenced by their friends in doing their modular activities or are they more motivated to work with their friends. The researchers conducted a survey to the randomly selected learners from the seven moderatorship classes from the graduating batch of Angelicum College school year 2012-2013. The survey was used to elicit the subjects’ perceptions of peer pressure on educational issues. In conducting the survey forms, the researchers used the term ‘friends’ instead of peers and ‘influence’ instead of pressure, so that the subject would not be pressured when answering the survey. The results showed how peer pressure affects the subjects’ academics and school life. The subjects’ answers on their interest in attending to the same college as their peers seem to be in a 50/50 percentage. The analysis further revealed that peer pressure is a major factor to the academic achievement of the learners. The general conclusion emanating from this study was that first; peers exert some influence on the students’ decisions concerning academic activities and aspirational decisions. Secondly, peers are somehow a huge factor for the learners to work on the given modular activities. In general therefore, the researcher concludes that the effect of peer pressure largely affects the learners in their academic pacing. More research needs to be undertaken to compare the data taken from the learners in Angelicum College to the graduating learners in other schools. Also, to know other factors of peer pressure to the graduating learners should be studied to determine the effects on learner susceptibility to peer pressure.

Monday, September 16, 2019

127 Hours The Movie

After watching and studying the film, reflect on a defining moment in your life. We often talk about character epiphanies (realizations). Use one or two of Ralston’s quotes as a springboard for your own personal reflection. Write out a response and video tape it. Due Tuesday, October 22nd as well as Journal. (Personal Response Rubric – Thoughts and Ideas/Presentation) Quotes from Aron Ralston novel, Between a Rock and a Hard Place â€Å"It's me. I chose this. I chose all of this — this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. I’ve been moving towards it my whole life.† â€Å"Saying farewell is also a bold and powerful beginning.†You'll never find your limits until you've gone too far.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"How would I behave in a situation that caused me to summon the essence of my character? The tragedy inspired me to test myself. I wanted to reveal to myself who I was: the kind of person who died, or the kind of person who overcame circumstances to help himself and others†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Indeed, it has affirmed my belief that our purpose as spiritual beings is to  follow our bliss, seek our passions, and live our lives as inspirations to each other.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Like looking through a telescope into the Milky Way and wondering if we're alone in the universe, it made me realize with the glaring clarity of desert light how scarce and delicate life is, how insignificant we are compared with the forces of nature and the dimensions of space. (†¦) We are not grand because we are at the top of the food chain or because we can alter our environment – the environment will outlast us with its unfathomable forces and unyielding powers. But rather than be bound and defeated by our insignificance, we are bold because we exercise our will anyway, despite the ephemeral and delicate presence we have in this desert, on this planet, in this universe.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. -Horace†Ã¢â‚¬Å"dum spiro, spero -Part of the official state motto of South Carolina. Literally, â€Å"While I breathe, I hope† Or more loosely, â€Å"Where there is life, there is hope.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"That boulder did what it was there to do. Boulders fall. That’s their nature. It did the only natural thing it could do. It was set up, but it was waiting for you. Without you coming along and pulling it, it would still be stuck where it had been for who knows how long. You did this, Aron. You created it. You chose to come here today; you chose to do this descent into the slot canyon by yourself. You chose not to tell anyone where you were going. You chose to turn away from the women who were there to keep you from getting in this trouble.You created this accident. You wanted it to be like this. You have been heading for this situation for a long time. Look how far you came to find this spot. It’s not that you’re getting what you deserve – you’re getting what you wanted.† ― Aron RalstonBetween a Rock and a Hard Place

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study of Prostitution Essay

Has overall responsibility and accountability for providing direction in the area of treasury services, accounting services, or procurement services. This position has discretion in establishing overall operating policies and procedures for assigned QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s Degree in accounting, finance, business administration or related field. Relevant experience may substitute for the degree requirement on a year-for-year basis. Eight years of progressively responsible, professional experience related to area of assignment at a management level. Depending on area of assignment, Certified Public Accountant Certification or Certified Purchasing Manager Certification may be strongly preferred or required. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Knowledge of: †¢ Managerial principles; †¢ Financial principles and practices in assigned areas of responsibility; †¢ Budgeting principles and practices; †¢ Applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances; †¢ Non-profit/college fund accounting systems and principles; †¢ Advanced internal control practices; †¢ Advanced financial analysis principles and methods; †¢ Strategic planning principles and practices;. Demonstrated Skill in: †¢ Coordinating activities with other internal departments and/or external agencies; † †¢ Developing and monitoring budgets; †¢ Managing large, complex governmental financial systems; †¢ Preparing and reviewing reports; †¢ Interpreting and applying applicable Federal, State, and/or Local laws, rules, and regulations; DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Plans, organizes, maintains, and manages the processes and operations of multiple functional areas within Finance. Manages the activities of assigned areas to include: planning, implementing, administering and evaluating projects and services impacting College operations from a Finance perspective. 2. Develops, recommends, and administers policies, procedures, and processes in support of Finance operations in assigned areas of responsibility; implements and monitors compliance with approved policies, procedures, and processes, ensuring alignment with College mission, values, goals and objectives and local, state, and federal laws and regulations. 3. Develops, recommends, and administers policies, procedures, and processes in support of Financial Services operations; implements and monitors compliance with approved policies, procedures, and processes. 4. Supervises administrative services professionals, paraprofessionals, and technical/support staff and performs both direct and indirect supervision through subordinates. Hires, evaluates, trains, disciplines and recommends dismissal of staff as necessary. 5. Prepares financial management reports for various College programs, reviewing financial data to ensure compliance with applicable local, state, and federal requirements and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Researches, analyzes, and interprets applicable laws and regulations relative to assigned areas of responsibility; makes recommendations based on findings. The Customer business Relationship division is responsible for the planning, successful execution and follow up for a diverse range of customer retention campaigns, along with producing their annual budget, monthly forecast, and other business reporting as required. The CRM will carry out innovative and sometimes complex projects to their completion, and thoroughly analyze maturing data in order to make sound recommendations for next steps that aim to improve our financial results. Responsibilities †¢ P&L: Responsibility for reaching or exceeding budgeted financial goals in one or more of our key customer retention categories – saves and reinstatement, customer longevity, load ups, and cross sell – using a variety of communication media including invoice text, inserts, email and telemarketing. †¢ Campaign Planning & Execution: Responsible for conceptualizing and managing a diverse range of customer retention campaigns and initiatives. This includes idea generation and exploration, preparing and presenting proposals, overseeing the creative and production processes and championing successful execution. †¢ Campaign Analysis: Analyze campaign outcomes in detail, using a variety of proprietary software applications. Draw insights and present results clearly to facilitate sound decision making on next steps. †¢ Budget/Forecast: Build a detailed, bottom-up annual budget for areas of responsibility. Supply key inputs to the quarterly reforecast, using the most accurate, up-to-date information available. Be prepared to discuss assumptions used for developing budgets and forecasts. †¢ Special Projects: Participate in a variety of special projects as requested, including explorations of system or process improvements, new retention categories, and joint projects with Customer Service. †¢ Customer Focus: Working with Customer Service, Marketing Services and Operation to develop and maintain a customer-focused attitude toward activities, concentrating on those that most strongly contribute toward improving customer lifetime value. Qualifications †¢ BS degree with major in Marketing required †¢ 4-6 years experience in a direct marketing environment, preferably with experience in both acquisition and retention marketing †¢ Continuity or club experience, including retention and cross selling strongly preferred. †¢ Keen project management skills with an ability to interact with and motivate others to succeed on several fronts simultaneously †¢ Effective verbal and written communication on all levels and both internally and externally †¢ Strong analytical, technical and mathematical abilities †¢ Self-motivated, analytical, quick learner, organized, detail-oriented, multi-tasker †¢ Prioritizes workload and meets deadlines for a variety of marketing â€Å"deliverables† †¢ Demonstrates initiative with a results orientation, while exhibiting strong drive and leadership skill Marketing and communication division —–is someone who works to promote a company’s services or products. Marketing communications managers work in conjunction with advertising and sales managers, helping to generate income for their company. They are employed in a wide array of industries and perform a multitude of tasks. Marketing communication managers also hire, train and organize their staffs. Responsibilities: – Manage the marketing communications function – including communications calendar, brand, PR plan, and content development Develop presentations, collateral, positioning documents and sales tools to support both internal channel Management teams as well as Mobile Access’s VARs, strategic carriers and OEMs o Work with product management to integrate the product roadmap into a communications calendar and translate the new product value in terms of the overall company’s position within the market o Create a Mobile Access style guide and manage company’s brand image and consistency o Translate complex technical solutions in to easy to comprehend marketing messages – Administer the company’s Web-site including overall positioning, content and messaging. – Responsible for managing the Mobile Access Partner Portal – coordinating with the channel program team on content and tool needs – Create and manage direct/indirect marketing campaigns to enable Mobile Access VARs to drive acquisition and embedded base sales – Work with industry analysts and pr firm to build Mobile Access brand presence and recognition – Responsible for event management . QUALIFICATIONS – 7-10 years of experience in marketing and other broad range of marketing and business related roles in technology companies. Broad exposure and holistic understanding of different wireless technologies and/or in building wireless experience is desirable. – Bachelors Degree required – a focus in English or communications is preferred – Must have a writing background and previous experience with creating press releases, marketing collateral and white papers – Experience with managing a Web-site and/or portal, utilizing a CMS like Expression Engine as well as managing the site performance against standard Web metrics – Experience with e-marketing campaigns (Webinars, e-mail, banner ads, search (organic and paid), Web 2.0 tools) – Experience with branding, co-branding and managing a brand delivered via indirect distribution. – High-energy and team-oriented candidate desired- Familiarity with Adobe CS3/4 suite The Retail Division You will be responsible forThe aim of any retail manager is to maximize profit while minimizing costs. Retail managers ensure promotions are accurate and merchandised to the company’s standards, staff is fully versed on the target for the day and excellent customer care standards are met. †¢ Depending on the size of the store, and company structure, retail managers may also be required to deal with human resources, marketing, logistics, information technology, customer service and finance. managing and motivating a team to increase sales and ensure efficiency; †¢ managing stock levels and making key decisions about stock control; †¢ analyzing sales figures and forecasting future sales volumes to maximize profits; †¢ analyzing and interpreting trends to facilitate planning; †¢ using information technology to record sales figures, for data analysis and forward planning; †¢ dealing with staffing issues such as interviewing potential staff, conducting appraisals and performance reviews, as well as providing or organising training and development; †¢ ensuring standards for quality, customer service and health and safety are met; †¢ resolving health and safety, legal and security issues; †¢ responding to customer complaints and c omments; †¢ promoting the organization locally by liaising with local schools, newspapers and the community in general; †¢ organizing special promotions, displays and events; †¢ attending and chairing meetings; Qualification has deep understanding, knowledge and skill in the Retail industry, and extensive experience in managing Retail operations across a network ideally in the beauty and gift sectors. You must possess excellent analytical skills and commercial flair evidenced by previous ability to drive commercial growth, be an inspirational leader with excellent people management skills, strong business acumen with ability to perform with insight and intelligence and first class decision making and negotiation skills.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The African American Achievement Gap:

The African American Achievement Gap: Why is it There and What Can be Done Are Black Americans Dumber than White Americans? Can it unequivocally be stated that European Americans hold more intelligence then African Americans? Are African Americans genetically wired to have a lesser mental capacity then European Americans? For a long time this was the explanation to a burning problem. African Americans score lower than White Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence. This gap appears before children enter kindergarten and it persists into adulthood. The typical American black still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. On some tests the typical American black scores below more than 85 percent of whites. † (CHRISTOPHER, JENCKS) This test score gap is not an inevitable fact of nature. It is true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white child ren attend the same schools. It is also true that the gap shrinks only a little when black and white families have the same amount of schooling, the same income, and the same wealth.However, after extensive research, no one has found any evidence saying that blacks have less intellectual ability than whites. So what causes this gap in test scores? Some attribute it to the culture of African Americans. They say that African Americans are uninterested in learning and don’t seek to pursue academic excellence. Some attribute the gap to testing conditions. Some attribute it to concepts such as â€Å"White Guilt† and â€Å"Stereotype Threat. †(Will be explained later) I however cannot attribute it to any one thing. This whole issue cannot be explained by one concept.Rather then trying to describe the achievement gap with one concept, I attribute it to a combination of many. The reason for the perceived gap in test scores is an intricate combination of things such as S tereotype threat, White Guilt, and Culture. On this issue, Thomas Sowell takes the position that this gap has nothing to do with racism or race. Sowell says, â€Å"For much of the first half of the 20th century, these differences were attributed to race-that is, to an assumption that blacks just did not have it in their genes to do as well as white people.The tide began to turn in the second half of the 20th Century, when the assumption developed that black-white differences were due to racism on the part of whites. † (Sowell, Thomas) However, his research showed something different. With his study at Harvard, he noticed that most of the black alumni were either from â€Å"the West Indies or Africa, or were the children of West Indian or African immigrants. These people are the same race as American blacks, who greatly outnumber either or both. † (Sowell, Thomas) This completely dispels the idea of race being a factor. So what does cause the gap?Sowell believes Culture does. His main argument is that the culture from so-called â€Å"rednecks† from Europe caused this uneducated culture seen in blacks. He says, â€Å"The culture of the people who were called â€Å"rednecks† and â€Å"crackers† before they ever got on the boats to cross the Atlantic was a culture that produce far lower levels of intellectual and economic achievement, as well as high levels of violence and sexual promiscuity. † (Sowell, Thomas) Now the most important points raised are that only a third of whites lived in this culture while 90% of blacks live in it.Of course culture fades away eventually but, it has very slow within the black community; especially in the worst black ghettos in the country. This is a culture of counter productivity and self-destruction. Sowell says all blacks are regarded this way. However, the question has to be asked; can this really be applied to all blacks? It really can’t. Culture can be a valid explanation for t his particular group of black people but it does not prove anything for all blacks. Not all blacks are from the ghetto.Some actually come from prominent, stable homes. Some actually come from the same environment as successful whites and Langston Hughes takes a look at some of these people. Hughes also takes the view of culture but he examines it from the view of blacks that are not stuck in the ghetto but have stable backgrounds. Hughes takes the view that blacks are actually hindering themselves. He says that there is a huge obstacle standing in the way of every black person. He actually makes a reference about artist but it can be viewed as any black person.He says the obstacle is, â€Å"this urge within the race toward whiteness, the desire to pour racial individuality into the mold of American standardization, and to be as little Negro and as much American as possible. † (Hughes, Langston) His example is a poet. This poet subconsciously wants to be white because he feels it will make him a better poet. This poet comes from a strong background in the middle class. According to Hughes, they attend church; the father has a steady job; the mother works on occasion; and the children attend mixed schools.However, the problem comes with how the parents treat their children. The mother says things like, â€Å"Don’t be like niggers† when the children are bad. In turn the father says things like, â€Å"Look how well a white man does things. † So in this home and many others, black is not praised or celebrated it is taught to be ashamed of. They are taught to want to be white. It is staggering what blacks do to themselves because of this. Fist Hughes says the more predominant don’t support their own people.His example is that, A â€Å"Negro clubwoman in Philadelphia paid eleven dollars to hear Raquel Meller sing Andalusian popular songs. But she told me a few weeks before she would not think of going to hear â€Å"that woman. â⠂¬  Clara Smith, a great artist, sing Negro folk songs. † (Hughes, Langston) This is the problem with many blacks. They don’t support their own people in anything because they don’t feel it will be accepted by whites and, that is ultimately what they want. Hughes also alludes to how blacks don’t’ support their own until whites do.His example is â€Å"a young colored writer who had been writing well for the colored magazines for some years, but it was not until he recently broke into the white publications and his first book was accepted by a prominent New York publisher that the â€Å"best† Negros in his city took the trouble to discover that he lived there. † (Hughes, Langston) The key here is â€Å"white. † Blacks are afraid to be who they are because white is seen as the ultimate goal. Black is seen as inferior. So can this be applied to test taking? It certainly can. If blacks are feeling inferior then their test performanc e cannot be as good as whites.Hughes is saying that being black is a hindrance that was built by blacks ourselves. But can this still be applied to all blacks. No it can’t because not all blacks come from households where white power is subconsciously feed to them. Some come from homes where black is celebrated. But for some reason the gap is still there but why? Shelby Steele’s position on the matter is based on the theory of White Guilt. White Guilt is a â€Å"vacuum of moral authority in matters of race, equality and opportunity that comes from the association of mere white skin with America’s historical racism.It is the stigmatization of whites and, more importantly, American institutions with the sin of racism. † (Steele, Shelby) Simply meaning that all white institutions are doing whatever they have to do not to appear racist. According to Steele this started right after the civil-rights movement. Where he believes that blacks made, â€Å"the great est miscalculation in black American history. † (Steele, Shelby) He says, we allowed ourselves to see a greater power in America’s liability for our oppression than we saw in ourselves. (Steele, Shelby) This meaning blacks saw an opportunity to get lazy because they thought they could get more out of taking what whites give rather then working to take their own. According to Steele, blacks have been living in an age of white guilt for about a few decades now. So Steele is taking the position that the achievement gap is where it is at because blacks do not have to work as much as they did before. Steele uses the example of a University. There is no way that they would admit students just based on academia because chances are there would be little to no black faces at the University.This university would be called racist and scrutinized heavily. In Modern time, it is politically correct to include blacks in all walks of life. During the Civil Rights Movement, being black was terrible thing. You were punished for it. Today blacks are rewarded for it in many ways. It is good but bad also. This age of white guilt is a time where the black person â€Å"lives in a society that needs his race for the good it wants to do more than it needs his individual self. His race makes him popular with the white institutions and unifies him with blacks. † (Steele, Shelby) This however limits him as a person.This gives him less desire to work hard. What’s the point when things will just be put in his hand anyway? Steele uses Dr. Cornel West as an example. Dr. West was promoted to a full professorship at Harvard, which is a very high honor. However Steele says, â€Å"It was never Cornel West-the individual- that Harvard wanted; it was the defanged protest identity that he carried, which redounded to the university as racial innocence itself. How could anyone charge this university with racism when it promoted Cornel West to its higher reaches? † (S teele, Shelby) So there lies the main point. Dr.West achieved high position by doing less work. This is Steele’s explanation as to why the achievement gap is there. Blacks simply do not have to work as hard as they once did to succeed because the whites are â€Å"too eager for the moral authority black skin offers them. † (Steele, Shelby) Can this explanation be applied to all blacks? Again some blacks are exempt from this. Some take the easy way out and take full advantage of things like affirmative action. However, some do actually work at what they do. But, for some reason, there is still a gap within this group that is working hard. Why is that? Claude M.Steele offers the concept of Stereotype Threat as the reason this gap exists. Stereotype threat is â€Å"the threat of being viewed through the lens of a negative stereotype, or the fear of doing something that would inadvertently confirm that stereotype. † (Steele, Claude M) Stereotype threat can be used to explain the reason that hard working goal oriented black Americans contribute to the achievement gap. When it comes to matters of race, it is assumed that a particular situation is experienced in much the same way by different groups of people. This is especially assumed to be true in test taking.However, this is often times not true for blacks. Steele says, â€Å"But for black students, difficulty with the test makes the negative stereotype relevant as an interpretation of their performance, and of them. They know that they are especially likely to be seen as having limited ability. † (Steele, Claude M) It is not that blacks are in anyway inferior its just a certain pressure is always put on them when doing things like taking test. This is because tests are often given as a test to measure ability, so because of the negative stereotype blacks feel an added pressure and succumb to it.From one experiment- focusing on vocabulary- Steele performed on black and white students, h is conclusion came to be that, â€Å" When black students were told that the test would measure ability, they completed the fragments with significantly more stereotype-related words that when they were told that it was not a measure of ability. † Now the thing about stereotype threat is that it is not like the â€Å"self –filling prophecy. † They don’t think they will perform inadequately and then in-turn score low. Steele says Stereotype threat, â€Å"is something different something external: the situational threat of being negatively stereotyped. So Stereotype threat can be applied to hard working black Americans because it only exist if they care that the negative stereotype is there. So these students actually work so hard to disprove the stereotype that they actually hinder themselves. For one of Steele’s experiments he noticed this to be true. He says, â€Å" Black students taking the test under stereotype threat seemed to be trying to ha rd rather than not hard enough. They reread the question, reread the multiple choice, and recheck their answers, more then when they were not under stereotype threat. (Steele, Claude M) So what this did was make the test takers inefficient. If you think to long on standardized to you are automatically hindering a very good score. So the reason hard working black Americans contribute to the gap is evident. But, like it was previously stated, not all black Americans actually work hard so this cannot be the only reason the gap exist. I believe the gap exist because of a combination of a few of the afore mentioned arguments. Yes Sowell’s point is valid but the culture argument cannot be applied to all blacks.Yes Langston Hughes point is valid but his aspect of culture cannot be applied to all blacks. The same goes for both Shelby and Claude Steele. Applying one of these theories to an entire race of people to explain the gap in test scores will just not suffice. I can honestly sa y that throughout my life experiences that I have seen every theory for myself. I have seen and lived among the people that these theories apply to and I believe that it all culminates to create the observed gap between African Americans and other ethnic groups.Sowell is absolutely correct when he says there is a self destructive, counterproductive culture in the nations ghettos. Everyone I know from these areas thinks that way. They do not like learning; they hate hard work and are content being at the lower rungs of life. So when the children do go to school and take there standardized test, more often then not, they don’t try. They have a â€Å"whatever† attitude towards it. And for the few that do try, they just aren’t prepared because the people around them and raising them have this disdain towards learning.I have a close connection with people who embody the â€Å"White Guilt† theory and the â€Å"Stereotype threat† idea. I have lived with i t all of my life and I can say it has affected me. In high school and even in college I have seen an abundance of students who are whole-heartedly living in the age of white guilt. It’s not that they don’t’ try it’s just they do enough to get by because they know if they make it to a certain point, aids like affirmative action and minority quotas will take them where they need to go. So when it comes to test taking they do try, but won’t stress themselves out over it.Although they are just as smart as their white counterparts, they just don’t see the need to put in the extra effort. Students that experience stereotype threat are just as prevalent. I can say that I fit into this mold. These students do in fact try to hard. They try so hard to prove the stereotype wrong they actually end of proving it. They try so hard not to make mistakes on the test that they do. They try so hard not to contribute to the gap, they actually do. So the reason the gap exist is a combination of many different people that come from different demographics and situations.All of these added together make the achievement gap in test scores. It is clear to see that this gap cannot be explained by one theory. Too many blacks come from to many different situations for this to be the case. So we can see that when these are added up it amounts to the gap in test scores among other things. So how can it be fixed? Just like there is not one factor contributing to the gap, there is not one way to fix the gap. The solution would be more of a chain reaction effect. The problem starts in the inner city where the lazy â€Å"I don’t care† attitude is prevalent.These are the people that create the negative stereotype black people have. So the blacks that are doing better than these people and are trying to do better in life have to bear the burden that the â€Å"ghetto† blacks place on them. The people that apply to Hughes theory are ash amed of them. The people in Shelby Steele’s theory are lazy because the world is trying to integrate them (the ghetto blacks). And the people in Claude Steele’s theory are working so hard to overcome the stereotype the â€Å"ghetto† blacks have placed on them.Until the blacks from the inner city change nothing will. The blacks in the higher rungs of life can’t change their ways, in this case test taking ways, until the burden placed on them is lifted. So until the inner city mentality changes, the gap will forever be there. Works Cited CHRISTOPHER, JENCKS. â€Å"The Black-White Test Score Gap. † The New York Times. 1998. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. . Hughes, Langston. â€Å"†The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain† (1926). † Welcome to English  « Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. 926. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. . Sowell, Thomas. â€Å"Thomas Sowell — Crippled by Their Culture. † OrthodoxyToday. org | Home. 26 Apr. 2005. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. . Steele, Shelby. â€Å"The Age of White Guilt: and the Disappearance of the Black Individual. † CIR Home. Nov. 2002. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. . Steele, Claude M. â€Å"Thin Ice: â€Å"Stereotype Threat† and Black College Students – 99. 08. † The Atlantic — News and Analysis on Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, National, International, and Food a? â€Å" TheAtlantic. com. 1999. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. .